Thursday, April 22, 2010

Update on my Assistant!

Well, my assistant has hit a patch of "not good" health. Blood pressure shot up (and by shot up I mean I've never heard such a high # used to describe blood pressure.) We had to go to the emergency room.

We walked into the ER at REGIONAL HOSPITAL (which looked very nice, clean, well laid out, and new btw.) We had to walk because my assistant was not in the mood to run. Unfortunately the receptionist at the check in desk mistook that as a sign that we were in no mood to hurry -- period.

When they finally called the person ahead of her on "the list" and that persons family members shouted out "He's outside smoking!" I thought THAT'S IT!

Grabbed the nurse and told her we truely had an emergency!

So, now my assistant has had all the tests run. I mean it -- ALL! And.... nothing is wrong with her. Thankfully. But why did her blood pressure shoot up? I don't know, they don't know. But she will watch her cholesterol.

No greasy foods as her and I sit together at my open houses on Sunday afternoons and do our brain teaser puzzles. (We never did have greasy food, but I'm not above trying to slip it in -- now I know better.)

We usualy sit at these open houses and do brain teaser puzzles. We are huge fans of two in particular that are in the USA TODAY everyday: Quick Cross and Up And Down Words. We chit chat, catch up, talk about Young and the Restless and get to enjoy each other for awhile.

She is a fabulous assistant and an even greater MOTHER-IN-LAW!

I'm glad she's doing better!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I won the referal contest at work!

Yippee! I won the referal contest at work!

I won it last year too!

What's the secret?

For me it is learning to listen.. and not assume.. turn over those rocks!

I used to work at an insurance office and I would pick and choose who I thought could buy life insurance or who would just want the basic auto insurance based on what I saw or some first opinion I had formed. I was wrong on several occassions.

Sit down and talk to these people. Pick up on little things.

Be knowledgable of all your services. This last client needed somthing to rent and I was able to refer her to an agent in the town she is moving to. Had I not known (I actually had to check) but had I not found out that my company could refer someone who needs to rent rather than buy ..I would have missed out on that opportunity.

Know what you sell, or what you offer, or what you have at your disposal. These are tools in our toolbox.

Speaking of..(tools in the toolbox) I am still working on the first grade thing. E came home and said so-and-so didn't like her and I took it HARD. Because blah...blah..blah... see I am starting down my whining path again.

Lord, please help me with this. Truely, it needs to be a priority. Let me be a woman of my word. Help me take my own advice and more importantly yours.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

first grade lessons for mommas

I delved... I devled bad. I sunk low.... I got angry at a fellow first grade mother who complained about my daughter.

My sweet girl ...turns out she's just like the other girls.. (only better..because I love her and I say she's better!)

Is her mommy any better than the other first grade mommies? Some of them are very good.. I sunk down to the level of a couple of the others ....I complained about them complaining about Erin. (In some cirlces that's considered gossip.)

What I should have done was blow it off. It was silly chatter and numbingly unecessary to carry on.

I will consider this a learning experience and move on with new knowledge of how to handle myself in the future.

One thing about a successful realtor..

I was talking to my husband about this over coffee at an actual coffee shop this morning.. loved that.

One thing about a successful realtor is they never appear bothered. They probably get bothered but they don't let me see it and they handle themselves with CLASS.

This is one thing a successful first grade momma must add to her little tool box of tricks.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Milestone Yesterday....

Matt had a birthday and all went well. He is wearing his (slightly older than last week) age very well.

Of course he would.

I think Matt's one of those "old souls" that people talk about.

Matt takes on life like someone who's been through it once already.

Matt's got a "knowing."

He knows things about things. He is (as we all know) capable of building, fixing, creatin' anything...

But, to my surprise -- and absolute delight -- he also has a "knowing" about

Things come up ALL the time that make me question, make me nervous, worried, anxious.

I TALK TO MATT. (Of course, I pray about things ..but, thank God, I can talk to Matt.)

Matt has put so many things into perspective for me. I love his perspective ...his "knowing." It's positive. It's comfortable. It's easy on me. It has calmed me down on many-a-hair-raising-occasion.

Is that what makes someone an old soul?

At the same time he stays very ...oh, I hate to be so cliche but... "young at heart." He, himself, says he has Peter Pan Syndrome. -- Well if you have to be sick with something...

So Matt had a birthday yesterday and the 3 women in his life celebrated having him in ours.

I love you Matt. .....Happy Birthday.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Open mouth, insert .....

Remember Bambi?

Cute little Thumper holdin' onto his foot or his ear... saying in his super cute little Thumper voice "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

I repeat that many times to my girls while they toddle around. Hoping to instill in them to always be positive and if you can't say something nice about a person -- keep your mouth shut!

Again, the sound of the needle being dragged across the record....

I thought I was in the clear. I thought this agent was gone for good. I thought I was right when I said what I said about her anyway.

I came into the office this morning and "this agent" was putting for-sale signs in her trunk.

"So your back?" I ask.

"For the summer!" she answered.

Ugh! Here's a thought Deb.... take your own advice.

The RealEstate business is unique in that we work cooperatively with our competition ALL THE TIME (I hope, I hope, say a prayer...)

We all know that it is very important to watch what we say.

Always be positive and don't say anything about someone that you wouldn't say to their face (my husband's motto.)

Oh! But isn't it awful when we have to be reminded?