Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Real quick like -- I have ONE tip for busy parents..

Often I wake up thinking about inspections or listing presentations.. and -God forbid- DINNER..

..I do NOT wake up planning the making of

"My Girls:  The Documentary" 


It can be done.. It's not as hard as we make it in our minds. 

After you read this grab your phone or your video camera and make a 30 second or 1 minute video of your kids.

What are they doing?


Well-then discreetly tape them for 30 seconds doing their sweet version of "nothing."

Take close ups of their hands, their feet, the tops of their heads..

Matt and I watched a video from only 4 years ago -- and we were sucked in like it was the moon landing.

Tiny moments are the best.  Birthday parties are often snoozers..  Grab some tiny moments of genuine "nothing."  You'll be so interested in every little detail down the road.



Friday, November 16, 2012

Well -- it finally happened!

A buyer called the other day concerned that the house I helped them buy was ... HAUNTED.

Actually, they wanted to know if the seller had ever mentioned being "frightened" in the house.  Had TVs ever turned on by themselves or doors locked themselves?

My first thought was "What???" and "This is not covered in the purchase agreement" and "Please don't make me ask the seller this!"  I mean if the house is haunted there is no clause that would allow you to get your money back. 

In fact, a seller does not have to disclose that they believe their house IS haunted.. beyond that they don't have to disclose a death in the house or any other psychological issue that may be attached to the property.

In my spookiest of voices I am telling you -- this area is truely "BUYER BEWARE..."

I have had clients ask if someone ever died in the house they're considering.  I usually have no idea..but I'll ask.  If the question is asked the seller should fess up, don't you think?

As for my buyer (nice people -- I hope this doesn't turn them off of their new place)  I suggested that maybe it was interference in their speakers -- possibly a quirky knob that will occassionally lock itself.  'Has to be something like that because I do NOT believe in ghost.

Actual picture of Proton Pack in my listing!
(Funny side note.. I sold a house this summer with a Proton Pack in pristine condition hanging in the garage.  Remember that?  From Ghostbusters?  ...What a year this has been!)