Often I wake up thinking about inspections or listing presentations.. and -God forbid- DINNER..
..I do NOT wake up planning the making of
"My Girls: The Documentary"
It can be done.. It's not as hard as we make it in our minds.
After you read this grab your phone or your video camera and make a 30 second or 1 minute video of your kids.
What are they doing?
Well-then discreetly tape them for 30 seconds doing their sweet version of "nothing."
Take close ups of their hands, their feet, the tops of their heads..
Matt and I watched a video from only 4 years ago -- and we were sucked in like it was the moon landing.
Tiny moments are the best. Birthday parties are often snoozers.. Grab some tiny moments of genuine "nothing." You'll be so interested in every little detail down the road.