Today was day 6 of poor little Erin's croop.
She's been dealing with her "condition" pretty well. She's (thankfully) not a complainer.
None-the-less, tiny little microscopic, butt ugly, flesh starved, fun squelching germs are probably everywhere...on Gina's fingers, in the corner of both my eyes, on Daddy's bathrobe (..because the girls like to cuddle up in that.)
Well, we are more than conquerors and they are tiny little things...right? Onward troops! Through the battlefield of virus and plague! Never surrender ..and never let the little boogers think they've won! ...I'm obviously very tired by the end of day 6... But I am truely confident that we can destroy these invaders and live to see another day, week, month of pure heavenly health!
Now for the second topic...
Are my kids happy about not going trick or treating? I think so.. The last time Erin went (the only time) she was scared out of her gourd by some kid (the only other trick or treater around) dressed in the Scream Mask. Gina's never gone ...she doesn't know the difference.
And are they ok about not handing out candy to trick or treaters at our house? I think so... The last time Erin did that she (again) was scared out of her gourd by some teenage sized person dressed as a skeleton. Gina's never done that either we're good.
Am I making it clear to them why they can't trick or treat? I don't know.. I think fondly on the days of my youth when I would trick or treat. I loved handing out candy at home.. except for the time I was scared out of my gourd by kids dressed in the KISS Band outfits...geesh that was horrible!
None-the-less, I think my mixed signals will become evident one day soon. I need a plan. A tradition that is fun enough to take the place of that ultra exciting feeling of rushing home from school, painfully trying to get through supper, and then dressing up preparation to be handed candy from every neighbor I could possibly get to in an hour.. and beyond!
And I need them to get it. To understand why we think it's important to not conform to this particular holiday.
Erin did ask to go out to eat tomorrow night.. if she can muster the health. She must think that it is fun to get dressed up in a silly costume and go out to eat. ...Only because she doesn't know the thrill of the other. But, if it works for now ... I guess it's ok.
Still looking for a better plan (in regards to Halloween!)
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