Subject #1
I asked about a second grade teacher for E.
Usually I am of the thought that the hand of providence (aka God) will guide my little girl through her preschool, kindergarten, first grade, and this upcoming second grade year.
But, I was so curious as to what input I might get from her teacher that I decided to ask.
From what she said I could glean a certain direction would be better than another so I ....emailed my preferrence to the principle.
If next year turns out to be a bust I will never forgive myself. And I really don't want to learn another lesson ..even a faith lesson.. the hard way. Not at my little tot's expense.
I can sure squeeze the tears out just thinking about her and the apprehension I feel about school.. the time she's away from me.. the kids that might not be nice to her.. the teacher that doesn't understand where she's coming from.. the ideas she encounters without me there to buffer.
Prayer... I want to be a praying momma.. and I have good reason to be!
Ok. Wipe my eyes.
Subject #2 -- sort of in rambling form
I have no idea what the market's going to do.
April 30th has passed. No more tax credit incentives. That did bring in lots of business.
Listings are picking up.
The market was at a 6 month supply. Which is dead on the "stable" mark. Any less inventory would tip towards a seller's market. Higher than 6 would indicate a buyer's market. (I am a fan of the seller's market.. but I am still a novice..)
So, in the last 2 weeks I have had 5 homes become available for me to list. Sellers are not afraid to "put it out there."
But are buyers still wanting to do something? That is what I am anxious to find out over the next couple of weeks.
Buyers market around the corner?
The news was dark on Thurs ..even though it was just a "flash crash" and maybe even a moment of "oops!"
The carefully watched European Union is looking grimly ahead. What does that mean for us... our beloved homestead and homeland and our economy? The words "world economy" are put together more than ever before.
Ron Paul -- who I am NOT a fan of -- gave a very bleak outlook on our whole idea of currency in an interview on Fox that I saw last Thurs. This is scary. I don't care what this guy says but others might get spooked. This interview happened moments before the "flash crash" surely one had no influence on the other. I know it didn't... still a crazy moment before an even crazier one.
I love the dollar. 'Used to live overseas and exchanged deutsch marks and dollars -- gave me a great appreciation for a "high dollar." The dollar is up these last few days...
I predict interest rates will stay low...even though they have been projected to increase this summer. We'll see how good I am at this guessing game.
Ultimately, I feel like if we don't lose faith in ourselves .. if we don't want to be -- or try to be --like the Europeans...blaah. We can resolve to be great and then BE GREAT!
And if I might digress: There is nothing wrong with Americana, the Reagan rancher, a colonial shade of blue. Don't throw out the American spirit with the old and dated Americana decor. We are a great nation. Not arrogant just GOOD AT IT and deservedly PROUD OF IT!
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