Any other agent ever ask him or herself... "How IN-THE-WORLD can I sell Real Estate and take care of sick babies?"
It's been a learning curve.. I was a nervous wreck in the beginning... taking phone calls in my coat closet, implying that children's voices in the background were "other peoples kids" ..can't do anything about "other people's kids" talking in the background now can I?
Geesh!! It can KICK MY BUTT trying to take care of a cherished child and a treasured client at the same time.
But eventually experience will breed wisdom.. true? And he gains wisdom in a happy way, who gains it by another's experience... So here's what I got...
I remind myself that even though I love selling Real Estate.. this "Mommy" business is GOLDEN! And (unfortunately... and I mean that) these days won't last forever.
I try to be real with my clients. I tell them a little bit about myself and guess what?? We are often in the same boat -- dealing with similar things. Talking about these things helps us connect on an even higher level.
Honesty and good equipment has made it possible for me to be successful during these times when I need to be at home -- making a bowl of chicken noodle soup while scheduling closings and writing listing contracts!
Here's some of my favorite equipment and devices...
I love a FAX LINE that goes straight to my email.
I love GMAIL.. which keeps EVERY address I've ever keyed into it.
I love OFFICE ASSISTANTS that work as hard as I do.
I love SOCIAL MEDIA... which helps me get in touch with all my cool peeps as soon as I need them.
I love the CVS version of CHILDREN'S TYLENOL.
I love my DROID.. (I sometimes call it my assistant.)
I love a SCANNER... that allows me to have EVERY document pertaining to ANY transaction practically on my person AT ALL TIMES.
I love SPONGE BOB.. ????
It's on (Sponge Bob, that is) ...I just make her keep it down while I'm on the phone...
Ok world that I love... Bring on the work.. bring on the sniffles.. I'm ON MY "A" GAME! (Lord, heal Gina's sniffles in Jesus name!)
Testing... Want to know if the comment section works...
And I want to see how the "RELPY" works..
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