Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social Media is helping me grow some CONFIDENCE!

This is my current Facebook profile pic.  (I joke that I was trying to warm up the crowd but they weren't being real receptive....)

This morning I asked a question during a sales meeting ..'wasn't quite understood.. 'could've kicked myself all day for asking a stupid question....

There was a time when I would have done that....

But!  I'M NOT KIDDING!!  Today I just thought.. Oh well, I throw things at my cyber wall on facebook.. I can throw things at the perverbial wall IRL  -- so what if it doesn't stick! 

WOW!  It was a great - move along - nothing to look at hear - don't cry over spilt milk - moment for me. 

I think social media might be helping to improve my self confidence... my ability to try something and not beat myself up if it doesn't work. 

I try to use Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin to market my Real Estate Expertise. (You have to say "my Real Estate Expertise"  with the hoytey-toytey accent I intended ;) 

But seriously, it's been trial and error...and along the way.... a great confidence booster?

Well, I just gotta say.. Thank you Facebook!

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