Monday, May 21, 2012

Don't let yourself get in this position...

Since about 10:30 this morning I am feeling 10 lbs lighter!


I dumped my email account! 

I had over 7000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) emails.  (Maybe not much in some circles..)  

But they were weighing me down..  My email life was in a jumble.. PURCHASE AGREEMENTS and COUNTERS coming in between OLD NAVY SALES and WEIGHT WATCHER RECIPES.

So, how do you JUST -- DUMP over 7000 emails? 

Step One:

Each page on my email account is 50 emails.  I deleted aprox a dozen pages of UNREAD emails.  (I always open anything important I was comfortable doing this.) 

You can select unread emails and then delete them by the batch. This took only a few minutes and took me back to about January in my account.

Step TWO:

I deleted or created a folder for each subject that the pertinent emails were pertaining to.  :)  (That is the "read" emails that went back to aprox January.)


I convinced myself that if I haven't looked at it in 5 months -- I don't need to keep it.  ...Or else I'll have to use my charm and telephone wit to get another copy of it one day.

Step FOUR:

It took me less than an hour to delete all those thousands of emails

-- and I was entertaining Gina almost the whole time! 

Just select a page at a time takes less time than you think.. TO LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD!!

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