Thursday, August 23, 2012

Earlier today a friend asked "Are you full time now or have you always been and I didn't realize it?"

I would really like to give myself a confidence booster by saying "I must make this look easy!"  ....But we all know it ain't easy.

Last night I tucked my sweet youngest baby into bed.  We said our prayers, we kissed each other good night, and then put her newly lost tooth under her pillow.  We read a little bit and she and her sis fell asleep.

After that I tied up my own loose ends.  Tried to organize the days emails, caught up on some stuff I needed to talk to Matt about.. and answered some late night client calls.  The evening went fast, I was still working after midnight.

Finally I called it quits and the next thing I know my alarm's going off.

I hear the baby get up; I can tell she's turned on her light, and then I hear "The tooth fairy didn't come."

Aw Heck!

Not a good way for a momma to start her day... Nor a toothless 5 yr old!

I told her it was one of TWO things.. Either the tooth fairy didn't realize she was getting up so early these days ...or the cat ate the tooth fairy.

I always tell myself to watch out for the details in my business.  ....Make sure the buyer/seller get EXACTLY what I've told them they would.  I can tell you without hesitation that I bend over backwards to make sure that happens.

Dang.. if only the tooth fairy took such pains with HER job!

BTW, I answered my friend's question by saying "I have tried to do it all full time and at the same time.. that isn't possible is it? Fortunately Matt and I can tag team.. but momma's got to be the main one. It's a full day. THAT's what I should call it! Not full time but rather FULL DAY!"

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