Sunday, August 4, 2013

Walls can't talk ...but Post-It notes can!

I think Jeff and Melissa are fabulous.

15 years ago I met them for the first time at my friend Georgia's "going away" party -- they brought a friend of their own -- MY HUSBAND!

Yep!  Matt and I met for the first time via THE MILLERS! ...And Georgia!

The SECOND TIME I met Matt it was actually at the Miller's home in Farrington Grove.  He was working with Jeff on a MAJOR house renovation.  I wanted to say something nice but was a little dumbfounded by all the drywall dust and lack of ...ceiling.  So I stumbled over the words "I like your... tool belt.. you look.. very ...handy!"

14 years and 5 kids between us later... The Miller's have enjoyed their completely renovated home to the point they've outgrown it.

Just like yours and mine, this home has history -- it has stories -- it could give you an earful!

So - how can Jeff and Melissa talk about their house when they're not there to guide the tour?

How can they make their walls talk?

How can they tell people about that hidden dishwasher?  (I like that..)

What's in their yard?  How will people know if it's not blooming?

Melissa loved living downtown.. How can she tell you about that?

I really like this idea of staging a house with memories.. pointing out hidden amenities.

Make your walls talk to it's possible buyer!  They ALWAYS have a lot to say!!

(PS... Gina wants to buy this house because Sofie lived there!  See!  Sometimes it's about more than location!)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

It's summer... and the Hill's want to spend as much time together as possible, right?

But I had a laundry list of things to do today.

Fortunately Matt's between projects so I asked all three of them to pile into the car and come along for what I THOUGHT would be a few hours of work...

I had a list.

It wouldn't take long.

In reality -- we were gone from 10:20am to 7:00pm.

It was like a trip to Indianapolis.  72 miles on the car -- just around Terre Haute!

Documents showed up and needed delivered, loan issues needed settled, there were impromptu showings..

We managed by giving the kids a job  or two to do -- something to be in charge of whether it was flyer delivery, text rider detail or song selection on the radio.

A stop for ice cream.

And I lucked out when it turned out there was a park right next to the house I was showing!!

My favorite part -- on the drive home we put all the windows down -- all 4! --  since it was so nice outside.  What?  We never drive with all the windows down... (These girls aren't raised like I was - '74 Pinto - didn't know air condition existed in a car or a house!) So we were driving like we were in a convertible blaring Mumford & Sons across 25th and Wabash -- on the way back to our cherished home after a long day of everyone working hard to help Mommy.

We were together ALL day!  We were still happy!  And I got it all done!

I lucked out today.. another day they may not have been so congenial -- and their walkie talkie batteries may not have lasted as long.. (they found out they can pick up truckers when we're on the road.. that was fun!)

Friday, July 5, 2013

It's been a long tea time of the soul...

Let's call the last few months a hiatus from blogging.. I'm not sure why I took one.... I think my nerves got the best of me.. 

But I'm back!  

I love to blog and --although my thoughts and opines may not be necessary to keep the world spinning -- I like writing them down.. and I very much appreciate you reading them!

This is me on a ferris wheel last night - stopped at the top!  I'm afraid of heights... can you tell?

I was playing it calm, not letting on -- which, until now, has NOT been my M-O. 

My daughters reminded me of something last night.  I watched my youngest spread her arms -- in the air -- while we were spinning real fast -- FOR THE FIRST TIME --

....on those dreaded swings.  

I CAREFULLY strapped my youngest in --dare I trust a carnival worker?  No way!  I made sure to clip and attach and close everything I needed to.  (Sidenote -- I did it wrong.  The beloved carnival worker had to correct me.  Thank God for that guy!)

I saw her holding onto the bar.. I was sure she was probably scared... and then I saw her let go.. pull her hands only (maybe) 3 inches from the bar.. and then grab it again.  And then...


You and I do this too.  We pull our hands a few inches from the bar and then we realize we won't fall and we let go. 

Sometimes we're wrong.

Sometimes we're right.

I do that with offers.  I present an offer to a seller or an idea to a buyer.  I wince, I play devil's advocate, and then I let go...

That's a nice feeling.

Happy (belated) Independence Day.. Happy feel-free-to-let-go-of-the-bar-and-try day!  

Monday, February 18, 2013

I'm about to show my little family that we can have a meal w/o meat.. Heavens! Will they revolt? (I think the big hairy one will...)

Lentils, Ribbles, and Candy Carrots.

G loves when we put sugar on a dinner dish.  I'm a bean fan (to each their own, right?)  E's fond of my grandma's Ribble recipe. 

With the addition of traditional bread and butter, the big hairy one.. ??

Do you know what Ribbles are?

My grandma -- and then my Mom -- made them.. I thought it was something she made up -- but there may be different names for the dish in other families.

It's chicken/chicken broth with salt, pepper and onion -- get that boiling.  Then -- in a seperate bowl -- mix WITH YOUR HANDS flour, eggs and salt.  DON'T MIX TOO MUCH!  ...Shew!  That's the cardinal rule!

You don't roll them like noodles.. you just drop them into the boiling broth.  They're not dumplings.. there ribbles... they're different.. and yummy!

There's no written measurements although tonight I used precisley 4 cups broth, half an onion, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste.

With the dish comes the memories.. (Did she know that would happen?)

The canisters in my kitchen were my Grandmas and when I pick up the scoop from the flour I sometimes think my hand looks like hers -- when she picked up the scoop.

I think I remember what her voice sounded like but once-in-a-blue-moon I hear her say "Debbie  Girl" and it's in my ears ..the exact sound of her voice -- along with the smell of chicken and onions..

And then I hear my Mom's advice about not fooling with them too much.

I remember Mom's soft, curly hair around her ears when she looked down at what she was doing.

My husband and daughters never met my Grandma.

I'm glad they like the Ribbles.. I'm glad E has asked how to make them. 

So turns out we -- even Matt -- survived going meatless tonight. 

Infact, we're all going to bed on a full stomach and I've got a heart full of sweet thoughts of my heritage..

And to think I almost put frozen fish in the oven!  (Btw, Matt loves (LOVES) fish sticks!)  (And we rarely have them...)  (I'm more an egg sandwich kinda girl..)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Last week I helped a family get into their first home.
(Well... the closing actually spilled over into this week...)
We were supposed to close Friday but were informed -at the very last minute- that on Wednesday the seller had turned utilities off (w/o being advised to.)
NEVER DO THAT -- unless you tell the buyer.

The buyer called utility companies while sitting at the closing table.  Electric would be turned on but no gas (heat) or water until Monday... and we were in the middle of a cold snap -- of course.

'Told the buyer I wasn't comfortable proceeding with the closing -- when there's a possibility the pipes could bust before he turned the heat back on.
I worried all weekend..
The buyer didn't have to put utilities into their name until they owned it.. but should I have reminded them to call ahead of time? Of course I should have.  ...And so began the work of "kicking myself" all weekend!
Friday night I drove over to the house to open all the faucets and flush the toilets.  The seller's agent had suggested this might help save the pipes or toilets from busting.

It was dark.  I took what items I thought I would need..

The stick was to stir the toilet bowls -- if I saw ice forming.

No ice.  Temp was 32 degrees.  Electric was on.

Saturday I prayed.

And then Sunday.. I got a wild hair.
Sunday afternoon.  Matt and I went over to check on the house. 
The girls came with.

It's still 32 degrees.  (That's them in the dining room... huddled.)

How could I heat this place up?

It didn't take as long as you might think..

(I would love to have gotten up to 40.. but Matt was not onboard.)

Monday morning the buyer and I met someone from the water co. at the house. 

33 degrees inside.  Water at all points... NO BUSTED PIPES!

We really dodged the big one.  Fortunately the temp in the house never got below 32 degrees.  From what I gathered - from various experts I talked to over that anxious weekend - a house has to be below a certain degree for quite a while for damage to happen.  We were fine.. but until we knew for sure we had to wait.

What to take away from this story? 

Make arrangements for utilities prior to closing.  There's so much going on during a sale and neglecting the tiniest detail can mess things up. 

I plan to tape a sign to my desk.  Come visit me -- you'll see it!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

I'm going to be "transparent" about what I was hoping for here...

My goal for 2012 was to sell 35 units..  either as the listing agent or the buyers' agent -- or any combination there of... 


I closed on 34 in 2012. 


It doesn't matter that I wrote more offers than that or came within A STONES THROW of closing on more than that..


It was a dog fight to get some of these closed.  I even lost a little sleep over some that never came to fruition.

I showed houses to people that weren't approved for loans.

I traveled God's half acre so we could cross things off our list as soon as we pulled in the driveway.

(I gave Starbucks ALOT of $$.)

(I didn't keep good track of my mileage...)

BUT!  (I say this with the corners of my mouth curled up like the Grinch...  -- Yep!  It's gonna take me WEEKS to detox from Christmas break...)

There were some really good stories from last year!!

Right off the bat a (very) sweet father sold the old homestead and moved closer to his grown daughter.  A few single moms moved out of cramped apartments and into solid houses.  Young couples and new families established their first homes.  A pastor was able to move closer to his church.  People took better jobs and were able to sell houses and move on.  Estate homes were sold.  Rental properties were sold.  A couple moved back to Terre Haute after years of being away.. and on and on.. 

I made several friends.

Happy things happened..  I'd like to give a hug FULL of Christmas Cheer and Goodwill to those 34 families that are safely snuggled into new homes tonight!

And NO worries about me... I've already started on 2013..

Congrats to a family friend.. I love your new house!

(If you write an offer on Christmas Eve you MUST sign your purchase agreement with a candy cane pen!!)