Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer days... make me feel fine!

Hello dear friend!  It's been a while.. Feels like I've been away from you all summer.

I hope the season treated you well ...with more sunny days than stinkin' ones!

(There were a few nice excursions for us Hill's...) 

And then...

It was BACK TO WORK for me!  :)

Loans have been in the low 3's (percent) all summer. 

I've been showing houses like CRAZY.. GOOD Crazy!

That's the best thing in the world for a realtor. 

Of course we need our fancy gadgets, our mortgage calculator apps, and our photo gizmos.. but NOTHING will do us more good than...

knowledge of the market.

You won't regret listing with a busy realtor.  You may have to schedule your appointment a few days ahead.. but you will appreciate the knowledge that realtor provides you.

Thank you to my summer clients...

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