Friday, December 18, 2009

Sap! Lot's of Sap!

Well, I see I still have no followers....

So, we threw a successful Christmas party for the teachers today. Real Italtian Real fast (as they say) cheesecakes, and an adorable take home gift bag (filled with 10 hershey kisses) for everyone! They loved it. They are quite fond of the PTO this year...bribing them with lunches and expensive coffee pots will pay off!

After that I was privvy to a very special Christmas treat, a classic for all time...a 5th grade production of A Christmas Carol. It was incredibly charming. The lights were turned down in the cafeteria. Really cozy feeling watching this sweet play about such an old, inspiring -- one for the ages type -- story.

Hmmm this year there is a certain "strand" of thought that keeps wrapping itself around my mind. As I decorate the tree, get in the cabinets to make some recipe, sit down to write Christmas cards to the "ole list," attend the kids' Christmas programs I am reminded of when I did this same thing last year.

Our ornaments have morphed from balls and figures.. into "the one Erin likes", or "the one we got when Gina was born." The recipes are recalled as the one I made at Gina's first birthday party or something Erin helped me make last year.

I have finally got that sense that Mom's get. I have finally come to that place where an actual gift for me is just gravy...

(What the! Who the! What the!) No really...

These ornaments that the kids touch and twirl are finally worth way more than their weight in gold. I fianlly have that VCR in my mind that can replay a moment in time when I look at a Christmas card or hear a Christmas song.....

Layers and layers of Christmas memories make me very happy. is such a Wonderful Life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What is this?? A sequel???

I'm over it now..but....

I had another dream ...another disturbing dream ...

Matt told me I don't do any work around the house...specifically we talked about "the dishes."

He also told me I was FAT! my dream...

The guy knows never to tell me I'm fat to my face. For one thing, I'm not.

The man works hard and comes home at the end of the day to a sometimes hoppin' ..homework here...playdoh there..kind of house. I'm usually somewhere near the dinner, doing dishes. For all he knows I just got there. How does he know I haven't been watching tv all day?

Well, all he really has to do is look around...the kids are happy, bigger than they were when he left that morning, usually running to him for a hug. The house is standing beautifully where he left it, the lights are on....hmm, who paid that bill? There's usually a smell of something cooking. cell phone is ringing. During all this.... people are buying houses...getting answers...getting helped -- SUCCESSFULLY!

I suppose all this could be happening because the house runs on auto pilot...but (clear throat) allow me to squelch that little rumor right here, right now! MY HOUSE DOES NOT RUN ON AUTO PILOT. And although I have a very helpful husband whom I can depend on to do a lot of work around here...The "day to day" -- that's MY job...and I GET IT DONE!

...And from this moment on I will forever consider myself VERY GOOD AT WHAT I DO! No more bad dreams about this subject.. no more insecurity about this subject. It is is proven... I should be getting a raise on my next review, don'tcha think?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Eeewww...Hmmm...I'm not doing too good today on the old reliability scale...

Started this morning as I leaned against the door frame between the kitchen and the bathroom. My husband was shaving and I was anxious to tell him my latest opinion on the political situation of the day...

"Bladda, bladda, bladda, ...and that's a local senate race in New York so .....bladda, bladda, bladda..."

Turns out that is a federal race. (BUT, we all know that all politics is local soo.....)

OK. Now we are out of the house and over at the Meadows. The Meadows is awesome this time of year. Appropriate sized trees growing out of appropriate sized pieces of sod in a very nicely kept parking lot provide the appropriate amount of fall. The nip in the air causes your brain to play tricks on you and makes you think you can see -- or maybe just makes you sense -- the on coming gigantic holiday candy canes that will soon be up. The morning is perfect for coffee and chit chat. And I am about to walk into my Weight Watcher meeting for chit chat if nothing else. I am going to my happy place.

And I am soooo proud to say that I have not paid for a weight watcher meeting in a VVVVEEERRRYYY long time! I am a (drum roll....) Life Timer! So, I walk in and say good morning as if I am a member from way back. Everyone is being extra friendly this morning. As I trade more "hellos" my eyes feel sparkly, me teeth seem whiter, my cheeks (in my mind) couldn't be a prettier shade of rosy -- and I feel as though everyone I meet looks the same.

Then I sit down. Today the leader looks at me inclusively more often. No one seems to mind Gina's little chatter -- I am thinking they all are enjoying it. And then the topic is brought up "Weight Watcher GPS."

"Do any of you have a GPS?"

A few raise their hands. I do not (because I don't have one.)

The conversation goes on about what we would ask the GPS if we had one. How it would keep us on track.... I all of a sudden have a gem of a statement to add to this conversation. So, I raise my hand, catch the eye of the leader (which I feel like I am becoming very privvy to.) And then I say...with my finger waving in the air.. "A GPS will take you to your destination ...but it will not take you on the scenic route..."

"Oh yes it will!" Many of the class members say.

"Oh, it does?" I say. "I guess I don't have a very good one..."

Should have learned my lesson there but instead later in the meeting a woman asked what to do for dinner when you've already eaten all your points for the day by lunch. The leader started to talk but I (like a steamroller) felt I had a good idea...

"On those days, I go to Baesler's for SUSHI!"

The leader raises an eyeball at me with those eyes I was sooo happy to see so much of the morning.

"It's two points for six.." I say as I begin to slouch in my seat. (Where's Gina and why isn't she standing directly in front of me right now?)

"You should probably re-check that." Said the leader.

"I am just not doing well today." I grumbled as I slid further down towards the floor.


to surmise.

I have actually been working on NOT doing too much unneccesary talking of late. And I HAVE been doing better.

Today was a bit of a set back.


Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm (zzzzz) -- sob*sniff -- fine!

Today last week has caught up with me -- but in the wierdest of ways.

I'm tired.

My eyes feel very soar and I catch a glimpse of myself in the's a crazy attempt at looking like me. The make-up didn't get put on right this morning or maybe my color is just off today. The hair is not performing so much as making a presence. Sort of a "just be glad you have hair" day. Even my clothes seem exhausted as they are just stuck on my body, pieces of material here and there that have no real shape or attractive quality. Mainly they are here because I grabbed them out of the closet this morning -- silently asked them to help me out -- and they are here in name only. I am meerly wearing a "sweater" today ..not a "nice sweater." It's all they can offer. I TOTALLY understand.

Then there's Gina. She throws a little fit. I should put her in a time out ..but instead I have this crazy giddy feeling that comes over me and I want to laugh, cry with her, give her whatever she wants because she's so perfect...SNAP OUT OF IT! She's being a stinker and I'm just not operating on all cylinders.

I was reading the Bible today. Hosea. I have never read Hosea only heard other people talk about it. I have never read the whole Bible -- only taken other peoples word for what was actually in it. Now I am reading it and I am excited about actually reading the books that I have heard other people explain in their own words before. Now I can read it, know it, put it in my own words. Well....I was getting a little emotional. I was so happy to have the Bible to read. That doesn't sound crazy does it?

But then there's this... Once I realized what was happening next... I realized that I am just TIRED!

I was watching Everyday Italtian with Gieda... can't remember her last name right now. She was making a cake out of a cake mix. I had never seen her use a cake mix before. Her kitchen was so beautiful and I felt myself getting choked up. I was so happy to have the chance to see her.. I was thinking how much I really did love her.. I felt bad about finding some of her gestures and mouth noises annoying ..and then I realized... Oh for crying out loud! I'm exhausted! That's what's going on here!!!

I hope to get some rest... An uninterupted nap, a complete night's sleep, time to lean against the kitchen counter and just turn my brain off for 3 whole minutes. Whatever! Just as long as it's rest!



Friday, October 30, 2009

2 Topics

Today was day 6 of poor little Erin's croop.

She's been dealing with her "condition" pretty well. She's (thankfully) not a complainer.

None-the-less, tiny little microscopic, butt ugly, flesh starved, fun squelching germs are probably everywhere...on Gina's fingers, in the corner of both my eyes, on Daddy's bathrobe (..because the girls like to cuddle up in that.)

Well, we are more than conquerors and they are tiny little things...right? Onward troops! Through the battlefield of virus and plague! Never surrender ..and never let the little boogers think they've won! ...I'm obviously very tired by the end of day 6... But I am truely confident that we can destroy these invaders and live to see another day, week, month of pure heavenly health!

Now for the second topic...

Are my kids happy about not going trick or treating? I think so.. The last time Erin went (the only time) she was scared out of her gourd by some kid (the only other trick or treater around) dressed in the Scream Mask. Gina's never gone ...she doesn't know the difference.

And are they ok about not handing out candy to trick or treaters at our house? I think so... The last time Erin did that she (again) was scared out of her gourd by some teenage sized person dressed as a skeleton. Gina's never done that either we're good.

Am I making it clear to them why they can't trick or treat? I don't know.. I think fondly on the days of my youth when I would trick or treat. I loved handing out candy at home.. except for the time I was scared out of my gourd by kids dressed in the KISS Band outfits...geesh that was horrible!

None-the-less, I think my mixed signals will become evident one day soon. I need a plan. A tradition that is fun enough to take the place of that ultra exciting feeling of rushing home from school, painfully trying to get through supper, and then dressing up preparation to be handed candy from every neighbor I could possibly get to in an hour.. and beyond!

And I need them to get it. To understand why we think it's important to not conform to this particular holiday.

Erin did ask to go out to eat tomorrow night.. if she can muster the health. She must think that it is fun to get dressed up in a silly costume and go out to eat. ...Only because she doesn't know the thrill of the other. But, if it works for now ... I guess it's ok.

Still looking for a better plan (in regards to Halloween!)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Big Hill's having quiet fun...

GREAT minds talk about IDEAS..

AVERAGE minds talk about EVENTS..

SMALL minds talk about PEOPLE!

~Eleanor Roosevelt

Thank you Eleanor for putting this in perspective for me.. Deb.

Last night the girls went right to sleep after some reading of Junnie B. (love her) and some giggles from Gina's bed. THEN Matt and I made it ...Date night! Fired up the grill and got out the veggie pepper! We had Ribeyes and Baked Potatoes!! Mmmm! Mmmmm!!! Matt and I are destined to reconnect one of these days....little by little... It was soooo funny to hear us talk about how "we were eating like kings" and how much we liked our own food! blah blah blah! We're throwing around the idea that steak and potato is good and all ....but why not next time do steak and hot fudge sundaes? Why not!?

Well, I was worried about Erin's weekly spelling test yesterday as she only had 3 days to study this time and some of the words were hard -- "use" and "very." SHE ACED IT!!! What a gal! So proud of her...and a side note -- the kid can read music. She picks on her Dulcimer and sounds like Alison Krauss... Go to sleepy, go to sleepy, go to sleepy, do not craayy...

I'm proud of you too Gina! Cutie! Although Daddy and I are having fun quoting a Saturday Night Live skit lately about a little girl who is always doing something mischievious and having to apologize for it...sounds familiar to us...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pants on Fire!

Today I was supposed to close a purchase on a cute little cottage in Terre Town. The lender ...lied!

Ok, ok, he doesn't probably think he lied. He tried to get something done that he couldn't -- is probably what he thinks. I, on the other hand, think -- he LIED!

Tisk, tisk, I am not above a slip, a slide, a flat out moral fall on my face once in a while. But, as PW (you know who you are) told me when I first started selling real estate...ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH! Never hide something, never fib. It will come back to bite you...and all the rest of us involved in this here mess.

I think in the business of Real Estate, lying is an indicator of amateurism. Pros don't lie. Neither do people of character...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hello? ....God?

I am totally sold on this idea... I think God gave me a wake up call this morning.. literally -- via the phone... Hmmm? ....well, here's what happened:

I was having a wonderful night's of few.. on my freshly laundered sheets AND PILLOWS (thanks to my hubby....I may go into our laundry situation at another time..) Suddenly the phone rang. I always feel the need to jump up and answer the phone as if I have been up for hours doing mouth exercises... 'Hello?' No answer.. the phone is still ringing... I picked up the other extension.. 'Hello?' Dial tone.

Oh well, I'm up. I fall on the couch and turn on the tv. ABC, Charles Stanley. He's talking about how to handle conflict. Practical advise on what to do, what to say. I REALLY NEED THIS!!

My job, as a realtor...this is good advice. My marriage...always looking for good advice. Thank you Charles Stanley...and thank you Lord for the wake up call!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Realy likin' this new season!

Fire is supposed to make everything pure...Fall air makes everything FEEL clean.

The Fall Festival "happened" last night. As PTO President I was excited to plan my "first one." I didn't have a nervous stomach, there were no anxious moments...but I would wander from time to time if this was going to be acceptable. If parents would like it enough to get involved in the next event.... Notoriously low parental involvement is staring me down right now.

Oh please! Please! Come, bring your children! Let's have fun.....AND WE DID! Well, I didn't have "fun" we ran out of all the food and I never did get to play with bh3 (big hill#3) at any point in the evening. But, more chili and hotdogs were delivered, bh3 got her face painted, played in the Jolly Jump, had grandma, grandpa, and daddy there to play with, and was genuinely understanding of my plight. Even bh#4(big hill #4) got to make herself a necklace (she was such a good little girl ..mostly hangin' out with grandpa.)

AND...there was ALL KINDS of POSITIVE FEEDBACK -- from parents AND teachers! I love it when people actually bother to compliment...I was diagnosed by my 2nd grade teacher as a child who needs constant reassurance...that hasn't changed..

...Then in the same Fall themed little fam donned our jackets and headed to Pioneer Days. Where the MEN wear the FURS! Very fun, the girls made candles...which we forgot to light when we got home this evening. They also made some kind of picture-twister-thing (a Thaum----ajigger) that is supposed to be what started the whole science of film...and maybe tv? My daughter is certainly thankful for this little she has told me once before... "I was born to watch tv!" ...?

I wish (BH#1 -- my husband -- hates it when I say "I wish") .. I wish I had taken pictures during both of these events...didn't happen. Too busy livin' it out.

So, I hope the cool weather lasts. I LOVE IT.... Two punkin's and a mum... Something hot and spicy on the stove... Something warm and sweet in the oven... a cozy sweatshirt... rosy cheeks... and bright eyeballs.. mmmm... Priceless!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Big Hills ~ Little Mountains

What to call my blog? I'll give this some thought, may change it one day..maybe soon ..maybe not.

Big Hill's refer to my sweet little girls and my ...sometimes not "sweet," but always my partner in ANYTHING -- love.

Little Mountains...the challenges we have to face. Wether we face them as a family or as individuals, I hope those mountains never remain ominous in our lives. But that our faith, however great or small at any moment, will move whatever terrifying, annoying, or just-plain-in-our-way mountain we run into.

And there are mountains currently on our horizon. I am not scared. I think about them and pause for a moment sometimes. I know if I wanted to I could slip into fear. But, I also know that on the other side of that mountain is where I want to be! On the other side of that mountain is freedom, security, MY GOAL. I want to move that mountain AND I'M GOING TO!

Lord, meet me here in the morning after you've sat by my bedside all night watching over my little family. Touch my mind as I lift that coffee cup and give me wisdom to make the right choices. And Lord when you see that it's the right time MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN FOR US! I am waiting on you...moving my feet...and thanking you in advance.