Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It is hard for me to think about what happened to those two little boys in Washington state and not be shook up about it.  I haven't wanted to watch a news broadcast since hearing about them on Monday morning.  Unfortunately, the news just got worse since Monday and it has been hard to avoid.

I called Matt about it this morning after reading the headlines on my laptop.  He says they're with Jesus.  I know they are.. I sit at my desk and ask the Lord to remind me that he is their comforter and he has wiped away their tears.

Oh!  Don't I hate it.. But there IS evil in this world.  It lays low in my-life for awhile and I don't notice it so much.. then it stretches out and makes a loud roar and I can't get the ringing out of my ears.  My first reaction is always to shutter or cry about it for awhile... Not a good foot soldier, I guess.

I am going to pray about a way to face these kinds of evils in a more mature way.  Rather than recoil.. I could.. what?  ...I don't know yet..

I DO know that I CAN NOT WAIT for the day when evil gets it BIG, FAT, STINKIN', UGLY, BUTT KICKED FOR GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Debbie Hill said...

Sam emailed me this.. Someone's status update on FB this morning:

God is bigger than the boogey man, He's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on t.v. and He's watching out for you and me.