Sunday, March 18, 2012

Best day ever....

I see a lot of  "lovin' life" and "best day ever" posts on fb this weekend.  :)  Yay for us!!  Great days to be outdoors.. shed some winter fuzz.

Myself, I had a nice weekend.. nothing that would stop the presses.. but when my daughters kissed me good night and wispered "This was the best day ever..."  I knew they meant it.

Kids are like that. 

A man wrote about going fishing with his son.."Didn't catch anything.. waste of time".. His son wrote.. "Went fishing with Dad.. best day ever!"

(Insert exasperated sigh here)  ...It's not easy raising kids.. I just got mine to sleep after a very long time of trying to figure out why their covers were "not comfy".. (still don't know--  but they are sleeping now so...  ssshhhh!)

The thing is ..they're happier than I think they are in my cluttered, grown-up(?), jaded(only somewhat), trying to get stuff done, wanting-to-be-practical-but-desperate-to-be-fun ....mind. 

They are going thru these fabulous pre-summer days for the first time in their recent memories.. and THANKFULLY they aren't looking for them to be perfect in order for them to be "the best!" 

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